Terms and Conditions
- Exhibit sheets should not exceed standard A3 size 297mm x 420mm.
- All entries must be scanned and entered either via email or WeTransfer to competitions@stanleygibbons.com.
- Entries must not exceed 5MB in size so that they can be transferred and displayed easily
- Exhibitors shall only include their bona fide property in an exhibit.
- Entries can feature a single item or a collection of material as long as it fits on the single page.
- Each competitor must write his or her name on their sheet along with their entry class (Main or U16).
- Material must be presented in English.
- The Judges may transfer an entry between ‘Main’ and ‘U16’ class if they consider it appropriate.
- This must be an original entry that has not appeared in another single sheet UK competition– adaptation of past entries is allowed.
- No entry fee will be required.
- A maximum of two entries per person will be allowed.
- People’s Choice Winner – The public vote will determine the winning entry in this category
- Main Category – All qualifying entries will then be judged by our expert panel to determine winners.
- U16 – All qualifying entries will then be judged by our expert panel to determine winners.
- Anyone found to be up-voting their own entries or any suspicious voting activity on a particular entry will face disqualification.
- Judges decisions are final.
- Prizes cannot be exchanged for monetary value or any other item.